Chapter 1 FAQs
If you encounter any issues using Osprey, we encourage you to check the following frequently asked questions. If you are still having difficulty, please reach out to us at MRSHub or on GitHub.
Osprey crashes with ‘Unrecognized function or variable lgamma’:
Make sure that you have added SPM-12 without subfolders (See Instalation intructions).
Osprey crashes during the ‘Osprey’ GUI call:
Make sure that you have downloaded and installed both external toolboxes from the MATLAB File Exchange (see system requirements).
Osprey crashes with unrecognized function or variable osp_platform:
Make sure to add SPM12 to the MATLAB path (see system requirements). You can also write a startup.m script with the following lines and add this to your MATLAB folder. This will automatically set the path right during the MATLAB startup:
Osprey crashes during the OspreyLoad call:
Check whether you have picked the right seqType in the job file. Are the path definitions in the struct right, e.g., files correspond to metabolite data? If the the problem persists after careful inspection of the job file you can reach out to us. It is quite possible that your specific sequence is not implemented into Osprey yet.
Osprey crashes with ‘There is no appropriate basis set to model your data…’:
You have to provide a matching basis-set for the LCM. You can visit our MRSCloud tool to genrate a matching basis-set yourself. Or, if a matching option is not available, you can reach out to us.
Osprey crahses with unrecognized function or variable ‘spm_vol’:
Make sure to add SPM12 to the MATLAB path (see system requirements). You can also write a startup.m script with the following lines and add this to your MATLAB folder. This will automatically set the path right during the MATLAB startup.